This web site is developed and hosted by the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH). FORTH pays special attention to the protection of the visitors’ and users’ privacy and personal data. Please note that personal data means, under the relevant legislation (General Data Protection Regulation, 2016/679/EU) only information that relates to an identified or – based on certain characteristics – identifiable natural person (data subject). Information relating to legal persons and groups of persons or statistical information which do not enable reduction to an identified or identifiable natural person do not fall within this category and are exempted from the scope of the relevant legislation.
This personal data protection policy is fully consistent with the European Union Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (EU/2016/679) and Greek law and is aimed to provide information about the information collected during your visit at the website that is hosted by FORTH.
FORTH may modify this policy at any time, without previous notice, by announcing any such modification on its website. By navigating in and using the website, visitors/users acknowledge that they have read, understood and unconditionally accepted the Personal Data Protection Policy.
The personal data controller for the purpose of the operation of this website is as follows:
(Research Organisation private law legal body)
100 N. Plastira Str.
Vassilika Vouton
GR 700 13
The following terms provide important information relating to the type, the purpose of use of your personal data, their protection, as well as your rights as subjects of these data.
For any further explanation, you may contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of FORTH by sending an e-mail at
During your visit to our website, you are not obliged to provide any personal information. Only certain information may be automatically collected, such as the IP address of your computer. For more information, please check the relevant cookies policy (shown below) or in "Terms of Use" in this website.
In case you want to contact us, or in case the website is accessible via a sign-in procedure, we only ask you to provide personal details by filling out the online contact/sign-in form available on our website. In that case, we ask you to provide the following details:
- Full name
- Capacity
- Company or organisation
- E-mail address
- Postal address
- Telephone number
of which it is only mandatory to fill out your full name, company/organisation and e-mail.
Our organisation has pages on social media, such as on Facebook, TWITTER, LINKEDIN, and YOUTUBE, but no data processing is carried out on such web pages. You can contact the administrator of the relevant web page of FORTH by sending a message. If the administrator of the relevant page receives messages that contain personal data of natural persons, these shall be strictly confidential and their use shall exclusively serve the purpose of your communication with the Foundation and, when such purpose has been met, they shall be deleted.
FORTH does not exercise and cannot exercise influence and control over the nature and extent of the personal data collected and kept by the social media as a condition or result of their use and may not be held liable for any collection and processing of personal data by them. For more information about the purpose of collection and the further processing and use of personal data by social media platforms, as well as about the rights and available arrangements for protecting your privacy and personal data, please check the personal data protection policy of the relevant social media.
FORTH collects and processes the personal data of visitors/users exclusively and only with a view to meeting its purposes and functions and, more specifically, for the purpose of its communication with you. Processing is limited to personal data that are necessary and appropriate for meeting the purpose and functions of the website. Processing is subject to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation and the relevant Union law, Greek legislation and international conventions and treaties.
Use of the Personal Data Collected by UsThe personal data we collect from the contact//sign-in form available on our website, as well as any other data that may be sent to us through our profiles on the various social networks, shall be used only for the needs of our communication with you and for your better service.
While navigating on our website, cookies are used only for the purpose of statistical analysis of the visits to our website. No further processing, transmission or exchange of these data shall take place. In any event, you are a priori requested to consent to the above use of your personal data.
Cookies PolicyDuring visitors’/users’ navigation on this website, FORTH may collect identification data of users, by using relevant technologies, such as cookies and/or Internet Protocol (IP) address monitoring. Cookies are small text segments that are sent to the browser by a website visited by the user. The use of cookies helps the website to remember information about the user’s visit, such as your preferred language and your preferences, to make secure searches, to calculate the number of visitors, or to facilitate your registration in our services.
How to control cookies: You may control and/or delete cookies as you wish. You may find more details at may delete all cookies from your computer and, in most browsers, select settings that do not allow installation of cookies. However, in that case, you may have to adjust certain preferences every time you visit a website. Users may make use of the website without problems even without use of cookies, but, potentially, to the detriment of its user-friendliness and of the functioning of certain of its services.
Any personal data collected via cookies that can be correlated to a specific visitor/user shall be processed exclusively for the purposes cited above.
The personal data collected may be disclosed or transmitted to third parties, if this is mandatory for fulfilling legal obligations or necessary for meeting the purposes and functions of the website, subject to the safeguards provided for by relevant legislation. We may assign to natural or legal persons the task of performing certain services and functions of the website. Those persons shall receive only personal data that are necessary for performing the services assigned and are bound by FORTH to the confidentiality and safe processing of the personal data.
Your Rights Relating to the Processing of Your DataIn accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (679/2016/EU), you have the right, both during the collection and afterwards, to be informed about any processing of your personal data, its purpose, as well as the disclosure/transmission to third parties and their identity (right of information and access). You have also the right to request that your personal data kept by FORTH be corrected, updated or deleted. You have also the right to have the processing restricted and the right to object.
In order to receive information and exercise your rights, you may contact the Personal Data Officer at
We point out that, in accordance with the Regulation, you have the right to file a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.
The personal data we collect within the context of the operation of the website are those strictly necessary for the purpose of our communication with you. They are strictly confidential and are kept only for the needs of such communication. Access to these data is provided to very few officers of the organisation, who have been bound to keeping confidentiality. Moreover, we have adequate security systems and take all necessary and appropriate organisational and technical measures in order to prevent any breach of personal data security (leak, disclosure, unauthorised access) in our systems.
Modification to this Personal Data Protection PolicyThis personal data protection policy may change whenever necessary, always in compliance with national and Union law. For that reason, you are kindly requested to visit this page regularly in order to be informed. By navigating on and using the FORTH website, visitors/users acknowledge that they have read, understood and unconditionally accepted the Personal Data Protection Policy.
ContactIf you have any questions relating to this personal data protection policy or if you believe that there is any vagueness or incompatibility in our personal data protection policy, you may communicate such instance to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of FORTH by sending an e-mail at